It is both apparent and essential, that as the world faces a major challenge, it is the daily emotional skills and tools that are both “holding” and supporting each individual right now. Individuals with a high EQ (Emotional Intelligence) cope more positively with life challenges as well as do better with their academic and life demands. SEL is an important foundation for all homes, organizations and schools to use and integrate into their culture.
Being curious takes you on a magical journey to knowing yourself, participating more and enjoying life more. Free the Mind Co believes that when you have a greater self-awareness built with a sense self-responsibility it is possible to develop empathy, self-love and passion to create a life that you truly love and impact the world around us in a positive manner. Trauma, burn out and low self-motivation has become a norm for far too many in our world today, which filters through creating trauma, fear and anxiety across generations.
We believe in nurturing each individual by teaching real life skills and tools to recognize personal issues, deal with them and create a different perspective to change the narrative in our thoughts and emotions. We provide easy and practical tools and skills for daily living that are flexible, creative and dynamic.
Reaching your full potential is not just about success! It is about living a life you love and becoming who we truly want to be from an awareness of knowing our true self. To make this happen, we must overcome internal barriers preventing us from moving forward. To live a fulfilled and meaningful life, it is essential to access, understand and work with your inner wisdom that we all have it often simply needs to be accessed and utilized.
Working with YouthSpark has been an honor and a joy for the past 3 years. To watch so many “ah ha” moments in each of our interactions with the youth is inspiring. We are here to facilitate a process that gives an opportunity for those involved to see and feel that they have the power to change their lives and trajectory that are on now to a far more positive path. They learn that each step leading to this holds a gift of learning to use moving forward.
– Bontle Nyakale, Student